Urban Fleet

Launch and manage your shared micromobility system in one place with the hardware of your choice.

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Fleet Management

What is Urban Fleet?

Urban Fleet is a fully-integrated, hardware agnostic, fleet management platform which offers all the interfaces needed for a rider to interact with a shared micromobility system, as well as reports, sales-, and maintenance-modules to allow the operator to manage it. A simple solution built to reduce complexity of micromobility systems so that you can focus on making the most out of your fleet!

Fleet Road Map
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Admin Console

Inspired by control centers and dispatcher offices around the world of bike share, the Admin Console is the core interface of the operator. Here, managers of micromobility systems are able to control their fleets of various vehicles through the integrations of the IoTs in the back-end, manage sales of customers, and even review repair reports from the workshop all in one place. As it is role-based, the operator will be able to share access to the Admin Console on different levels within the organisation, but also outside with cities for example, allowing them to view dashboards or live fleet views depending on their specific needs.

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Fleet Management module

The management of the vehicle fleet is at the center of the customer experience at Urban Fleet. That’s why we strive for making it as actionable as possible, so that you can independently open, close, pause, or even debug your stations, docks, and vehicles at your discretion. Trips are displayed live, and all the data is easily downloadable through CSV files, but also through the API connections that we offer - see Urban API for more information.

Image: Sales & Report

Sales & Reports Module

The overall financial performance of the system as well as business partnerships, user payment options, and voucher codes are all managed through the Admin console and its Sales & Reports module, which can be exported through the Urban API product. Products and pricing are also completely customisable, as well as penalties for overuse or loss, so managers of the system have a 360 view of payments live as well as the flexibility to create event voucher codes on the fly depending on the city’s needs.

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Urban Fleet App UI illustration

Repair Forms and Maintenance module

The Admin Console’s display is fully responsive and is meant to be used by staff in workshops and on-street to carry out repairs and record all the data that happens between the switch of one spare part and another. Our operating partners use our simple forms with tags and comment sections through tablets and phones as a part of their daily routines of corrective and preemptive maintenance tasks. The damages reported, spare parts, and even the time spent per job is all trackable and available as data that can be exported - see Urban API for more information. The maintenance module allows the managers to keep track of the fleet’s overall health and act upon disruptions with simple debugging commands directly from the Admin Console.

Image: Rider App & Web

Rider App

Apps have become the real key to the rental service so the design and user experience of both iOS and Android are of capital importance in our company. True to our Scandinavian background, we pay special care to a minimalistic design and maximisation of features. Riders are able to create and manage their payment details (invoices included) as well as their accounts, while smoothly renting a wide range of vehicles. Feedback and customer service options are of course accounted for, and our native apps are highly customisable to fit our Operating Partners’ needs as they are white-labelled. Most of the systems we power are also integrated with Google and Apple Maps.

Image: Rider Web

Rider Web

Our web is also white-labelled and offers standard blocks of information for ease of content-creation on the Operating Partner’s side. Blocks include user log-in, FAQ, live map of the system, voucher release, notifications and alerts sent live by the Operating Partner, as well as the possibility to download historical data in CSV- and JSON-formats, as well as documentation to plug-in apps that consume GBFS data. All the data is of course processed and displayed in accordance with GDPR rules.

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Image: Station Interfaces & Riders

Station Interfaces

In some cases, bike share systems need a physical station to function. We have experience working with stations with own CPU in Oslo, Milan, and Verona so, if you have a project that requires station interfaces, do not hesitate to get in touch with us to integrate your Hardware Partner for stations. As with the Rider App, our standards do not allow us to do less than providing the riders a very similar if not identical experience in the station as they would with the app, with the added benefit of being able to rent directly by tapping a user card. The data and maintenance information is fully available in the Admin Console.

Image: Rider


Despite us being a B2B company that sells to Operating Partners, everything we do and develop at Urban Sharing has the riders in mind and their user experience. Given our experience, our Operating Partners take advantage of the knowledge that we provide when opening a new system and the know-how that we bring from years in the sector. All the data in the rider interfaces (app, web, and stations) is completely customisable by the Operating Partner in the Admin Console as well as the rules that they will have to abide by when signing up for the system.

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IoT integrations

An integral part of the Urban Fleet product is the IoT integration. Urban Sharing is fully hardware-agnostic, which is why our Hardware Partners play such a huge role in our development as a service company. We partner only with the best, and offer our Operating Partners a wide range of vehicle possibilities through the IoT of their choice. Our standards do not allow us to offer our Operating Partners less than the possibility to deep-dive into the data of their vehicle locks and the possibility to carry out at least the basic commands, so our commitment is to keep the Admin Console always as an actionable tool built for actual command centres, and not just an informational display.

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Given the role-based design of the Admin Console’s architecture, which is completely customisable, the Operating Partner has the possibility to provide safe and controlled access to third-parties such as city authorities and give them oversight of live dashboards and other e.g. financial reports. Manual exports are available throughout most of the views of the modules in the Admin Console, but automatic reports can also be generated by the Operating Partner with a simple API connection - see Urban API for more information.

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Operating Partner

Combining the possibilities of the Fleet Management module, being able to open and close stations and vehicles on demand, while creating event voucher codes instantly all while overseeing the maintenance and repairs is a powerful combination that makes the Admin Console a crucial tool for a flexible operation while keeping total control of all the moving components that are involved in a shared micromobility system.

Image: Bikes & Escooters

Bicycles & E-scooters

Got several IoTs, Hardware Partners, and/or vehicle types? We got you covered. Our Admin Console as well as our interfaces for riders (app, web, and stations) are all logo-switchable and we have so far catered for mechanical bikes, e-bikes, e-bikes with child seats, cargo-bikes, and e-scooters. For mixed fleets with one management tool to rule them all, Urban Fleet is the right product for you.

Lead your city

All we need is 4 weeks

From the beginning, Urban Sharing involves you in the creation of your Urban Fleet ecosystem. You give us details, we build your system and together we launch, manage and scale your fleet.

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